Pool Water Colour
As natural light strikes a body of water it reflects the short wavelength colours (the blues and greens) giving what we recognise as an appealing water colour. This colour can be greatly influenced by the selection of products used in the pool lining. Careful consideration needs to be given when making this selection.
Pool Tiles Pool Mosaics Pool ColoursTechnical Expertise
How a product works in the challenging environment of a swimming pool is paramount. For every project from a simple spa through indoor and outdoor pools to full scale commercial installations we have the products, expertise and experience to ensure a successful conclusion to your project.
Pool Tiles Pool Mosaics Pool SurroundsSetting Trends
We are continually on the lookout for new sources of innovative products. Not satisfied with being up to the minute with trends in pool mosaic and tile design we strive to be ahead of the pack, and setting trends in technical excellence, quality and design.
Pool Tiles Pool Mosaics Pool SurroundsIndoor Pools
Indoor pools bring their own challenges. Ensuring that combinations of surface finishes in mixtures of natural and artificial light work together harmoniously can be a real challenge. We have the products and expertise to provide the perfect solution.
Pool Tiles Pool Mosaics Pool SurroundsOutdoor Pools
Outdoor pools need to sit comfortably in their landscape with attention to their natural and manmade surroundings. How the pool connects to the house and to its adjoining leisure area is vital to ensure a successful project.
Pool Tiles Pool Mosaics Pool SurroundsMosaic Tiles for Pools
The vast selection of mosaics developed particularly for swimming pools gives almost infinite possibilities when it comes to making a selection to achieve the colour and finish required. Our pool mosaic selection has also been made to ensure complete peace of mind with regard to technical suitability.
Pool Mosaics Pool SurroundsPorcelain Tiles for Pools
We have carefully curated a collection of porcelain tiles made specifically with wet leisure installations in mind. A full range of special pieces is essential to enable the completion of your project. Certificated anti slip surfaces are also essential where required to ensure the safety and enjoyment of your pool.
Pool Tiles Pool Surrounds